When it comes to delicate surface cleaning, TnT High Pressure's ability to consistently outperform compressed air or conventional high pressure water blasting is unmatched
Removing build up of unwanted deposits that typically reduce operating efficiency and heat transfer of Aerial Coolers can be completed effectively with the use of TnT High Pressure's custom designed mobile foaming units.
When it comes to delicate surface cleaning of Ariel coolers or "fin fans", TnT High Pressure's ability to consistently outperform compressed air or conventional high pressure water blasting is unmatched.Proper low pressure foaming application of environmentally friendly cleaning agents allows thorough penetration and non destructive removal of contaminates when final rinsing is completed with low pressure water.
Benefits to low pressure foam cleaning;
*No damage to cooler fins
*Maximize chemical contacts with "long dwell time foaming agents"
*Thorough removal of unwanted dirt, dust and oils
*Reduced cleaning cost for waste water /chemical disposal