TnT High Pressure Waterowrks Ltd. is committed to the protection from harm of its employees, physical assets, subcontractors, client property, the envrionment and the public.

TnT High Pressure Waterworks Ltd is committed to the protection from harm of its employees, physical assets, subcontractors, client property, the environment and the public.
Management seeks to ensure that all work is done in accordance with company policies, industry standards, and legislative requirements. Management will work with employees to eliminate foreseeable hazards which may result in property damage or personal injury/illness. Management will organize monitoring, auditing, and reporting mechanisms essential to the evaluation of the success of the safety program.
Employees have the right to a safe and healthy work environment. All employees share the responsibility for minimizing incidents within our facilities and on work sites. Employees are required to follow safe work practices and procedures in the execution of their duties.
Loss can be controlled through good management in combination with active employee involvement. Safety is the direct responsibility of all managers, supervisors and employees.
Together, everyone at TnT High Pressure Waterworks Ltd strives to create a positive, safe and healthy work environment.
TnT High Pressure Waterworks Ltd is committed to the promotion and preservation of a healthy environment for future generations. As a demonstration of this commitment, TnT High Pressure Waterworks Ltd managers and employees will:
consider the appropriate protection of humans, animals, plant life, air, water, and soil when planning and executing our work.
expect all persons to do their best to prevent harm to the environment.
ensure our goals on the job can be met without risking harm to the environment
use, store, and dispose of products in such a manner that will provide appropriate protection to the environment.
develop and enforce good environment standards in accordance with relevant legislation.
keep workers on how to do their jobs in such a manner as to cause minimum environment harm and waste of materials.
recycle and promote the use of recycled products, where possible.